Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Missions is faithfully taking the gospel to the nations while empowered by the Holy Spirit. Angels, Moses, scribes, prophets, judges, and wisemen, were all sent on mission. The characteristic they had in common was their willingness to listen to God and then act obedience to carry out the mission through the power of the Holy Spirit. The only perfect example of this in biblical history is Jesus. He obeyed God and took no glory for Himself. Jesus came to “seek and to save that which was lost.” Furthermore, as the perfect example of what it means to be on mission, Jesus instructs us in Mark and Matthew to take the message of the gospel to the nations. Taking the gospel to the nations includes the prerequisite of taking the gospel to our neighborhoods. In light of this, Bel Aire Baptist engages in local missions and ministry through, M-FRO, Multi-Family Residential Outreach. Furthermore, Bel Aire engages the nations through partnerships with Brazil and Belize. These partnerships with the nations include prayer, people, and provision. Missionary partners must have similar beliefs and uphold the Baptist Faith and Message. They must be part of a third-party mission sending agency and must be able to clearly articulate a long-range plan of specific ways they will take the gospel to their region. Under the umbrella of “Making Disciples,” Bel Aire Baptist encourages members to be missional and to share the gospel in our neighborhoods and nations.

We fight poverty personally. We are child-focused. When a child is registered in our program the beneficiary of the support is the specific sponsored child. We work with the neediest and most vulnerable children that we can reach — the poorest of the poor.
Our Child Sponsorship Program offers:
Our Child Sponsorship Program offers:
· medical checkups and health care.
· health and hygiene training.
· ongoing Christian training through a local church.
· educational assistance, including textbooks, school uniforms, post- secondary courses, tutoring, test and lab supplies and even literacy and financial training for caregivers.
· key life skills training, mentoring and vocational programs.
· nutritious food and supplements to protect against malnutrition.
· recreational activities and support to development self-confidence and social skills.
· protection from crime, violence and danger.
· access to special services like surgeries and disaster relief.
· health and hygiene training.
· ongoing Christian training through a local church.
· educational assistance, including textbooks, school uniforms, post- secondary courses, tutoring, test and lab supplies and even literacy and financial training for caregivers.
· key life skills training, mentoring and vocational programs.
· nutritious food and supplements to protect against malnutrition.
· recreational activities and support to development self-confidence and social skills.
· protection from crime, violence and danger.
· access to special services like surgeries and disaster relief.
The minimum standards for our Child Sponsorship Program dictate that each church-run child development center provide 4-8 hours of programming each week, at least 48 weeks out of the year, and that individual child attendance be taken each time the center is open.

Join the mission
Help us carry god's message of salvation to our neighborhoods & Nations
If you are interested in participating with our mission's team, contact the church office.