Responsibility of Elders
The elders are responsible for leading the church to function as a New Testament church. They are the leaders of the congregation, the organization, and the church staff. They oversee worship, proclamation, education, and pastoral ministries. In keeping with the principles set forth in Acts 6:1-6 & 1 Peter 5:1-4, the elders shall devote their time to prayer, the ministry of the Word (by teaching and encouraging sound doctrine), and shepherding God’s flock.
Lay elders shall serve for no more than six consecutive years or two consecutive three year terms. After six years the elder must step off the elder body for a minimum of one year before returning to the currently serving body of elders. Paid elders are exempt from this limitation due to the nature of their calling and employment by the church.
There is to be a set schedule for the elder’s service so as to allow for an even number of elders to cease serving each subsequent year. An elder whose term is set to end may be elected to serve a second three year term. At the completion of which a period of one year must pass before being eligible for election to another three year term. The purpose of this is to prevent the terms of all the lay elders from ending at the same time.
An elder’s term of office may be terminated by resignation or by dismissal. Any two elders with reason to believe an elder should be dismissed should express such concern to the elder body and, if needed, to the congregation in a regular or special called members meeting. Any such action shall be in accordance with the instruction of Matthew 18:15-17 and 1 Timothy 5:17-21. Any elder may be dismissed by a three fourths of a vote of the participating members at a members meeting. Providing notice of such pending action was announced at the previous regular members, not less than two weeks prior to the vote.
Elders shall take particular responsibility to examine and instruct prospective members. They shall oversee selection of candidates for offices and positions, oversee the work of the deacons, appointed church ministries, and committees. They shall conduct worship services, administer ordinances of baptism and communion, equip the membership for the work of ministry, encourage and guard sound doctrine and practices, admonish and correct error, oversee the processes of church discipline, coordinate and promote the ministries of the church, and mobilize the church for local and distant missions. The elders are further to ensure that all who minister the word to the congregation, including outside speakers share our fundamental convictions.
The elders shall have primary responsibility for the supervision, and evaluation of ministerial and other staff members. This responsibility may, on a case-by-case basis, be delegated to another minister or staff member. The elders may also propose additional paid staff and ministerial positions. Establishment of an additional ministerial position and the calling of an individual to fill that position requires an approval of a vote of three fourths of members present and voting. The elders may establish committees or additional ministry or staff positions to assist them in fulfilling their responsibilities. The authority of all committees, officers, teachers, and workers extends only as far as granted by the elders and/or the church. No committee or individual shall make any ruling or initiate any action intended to be binding on the membership without the approval of the church, and/or elders. The elders or an appointed designee, appointed by the elders, shall be considered an ex-officio member of each committee.
The elders shall elect a chairman to preside at elder meetings and a moderator to preside at members meetings. An elder shall also serve as secretary to record minutes of elder meetings. Each elder shall have one vote. A three fourths affirmation is required for any motion to be passed by the elders to be brought before the church. A unanimous vote of the elders is required when affirming a new or additional elder is to be brought before the church.